Child Safety Reporting Form

Your Information


Please add either phone or email so you can be contacted


Complete if you are usually located at a District Office or Brigade
About the complaint, allegation, incident or concern


I am reporting:


An incident may involve one or many types of harm. Harm can occur because of an action that is 'against, with or in the presence of a child'. Please select all harm types that relate to this incident.

Details of alleged incident
Where did the alleged conduct occur?


Child or young person involved in the incident
What is the affiliation of the child or young person with CFA?
Gender of the child or young person


It is not always appropriate to inform a parent or guardian. Examples include when the allegation of harm is being made against a parent or caregiver of a young person, or if you are worried about how the parent or caregiver will respond to the allegation (i.e., threatening behaviour, violence). Please contact the Child Safety Team for advice and information

Is the alleged victim/parent/guardian aware of the complaint, concern or allegation?


Contact Information if known

Example: “Jessica has ADHD and may need additional support” or “Mrs Ibraham is Arabic speaking and will require an interpreter.”


About the subject of the allegation


This section applies to reports where there are concerns that a person is alleged to have acted inappropriately towards a child or young person.


Gender of the subject of the allegation?
What connection does the subject of allegation have to CFA

Example: we are members of the same Brigade

Example: “John is the 2nd Lt and Lesley is a Junior Member at my Brigade”.

Example: “Jessica has ADHD and may need additional support”.


Contact information of the subject of the allegation if known


It is not always appropriate to inform a parent or guardian. Examples include when the allegation of harm is being made against a parent or caregiver of a young person, or if you are worried about how the parent or caregiver will respond to the allegation (i.e., threatening behaviour, violence). Please contact the Child Safety Team for advice and information

Is the alleged victim/parent/guardian aware of the complaint, concern or allegation?


Reporting to authorities


Has this matter been reported to Victoria Police?
Has this matter been reported to DFFH Child Protection?


CFA’s Child Safety Officer is collecting information about child safety related concerns, complaints and allegations, including personal information and health information for the purpose of ensuring CFA meets its obligations under the Child Wellbeing and Safety Act 2014, Family Violence Protection Act 2005, and the Crimes Act 1958 (Crimes Act). CFA may use this information to fulfil its legislative obligations in relation to:

  • investigating matters of concern, complaints or allegations
  • contacting you to clarify or seek further information contained within the form
  • reporting matters to external authorities to fulfil our legal obligations
  • supporting the obligations of the Authority in relation to risk management.

It is crucial under the Crimes Act that people report any concerns about a child’s safety, as a failure to report concerns may result in criminal action. Further, CFA requires all members to report matters relating to health and safety of a child, and failure to do so may result in disciplinary action. Once submitted, CFA has obligations to act in relation to the information provided.

Amendments to this information may be made at any time by contacting the Child Safety Officer:



Page last updated:  Monday, 21 February 2022 2:19:49 PM