Recommendation 9

Recommendation 9: Increase collaboration across Victorian fire services: continue to foster and engender collaboration and partnership with other fire services and wider Victorian emergency services


9.1 Explore joint training opportunities for all CFA members with FRV and Forest Fire Management Victoria (FFM Vic)
9.1.1 Undertake stocktake within CFA to determine and document the level of joint exercise or drill activities already take place at brigade, district, group and/or region level.
9.1.2 Following stocktake assess 'gap analysis' and opportunities by district for increasing joint exercise opportunities with FFM Vic and seek to develop an exercise plan as relevant to respective districts
9.1.3 Following stocktake assess 'gap analysis' and opportunities for increasing joint exercise opportunities with FRV and seek to develop an exercise plan as relevant to respective districts
9.1.4 Following stocktake under 9.1.1 include in CFA Chief Officer's Expectations of Districts the requirement to consider opportunities for participating in joint exercises and drills where relevant to the needs of each district
9.2 Explore joint community engagement strategies particularly in regional Victoria where FFM Vic or FRV operations work alongside CFA
9.2.1 CFA to continue to make a significant contribution to the AFAC Community Safety Group
9.2.2 CFA to invite FFM Vic, FRV and other relevant agencies to jointly present to local councils on community engagement and community safety matters
9.2.3 CFA to invite FFM Vic, FFRV and other relevant agencies to collaborate on advocacy of items relating to safety community safety
9.2.4 CFA to invite FFM Vic, FRV and other relevant agencies to co-develop and implement community safety material, programs and campaigns
9.2.5 CFA to continue to make a significant contribution to the multi-agency partnership group for Community Engagement in Bushfire Mitigation
9.3 Continued dialogue with FRV with a focus on support for secondees within CFA, in relation to induction, understanding and fostering a volunteer ethos to ensure the ongoing growth and success of CFA volunteers consistent with Section 2A of the Fire Rescue Victoria Act 1958
9.3.1 CFA to propose Joint Working Group to develop a shared approach to preparing and inducting secondees to CFA
9.4 Work with other fire services to ensure high standards of training and knowledge about training that encompasses safety in operational settings
9.4.1 Continue to pro-actively engage with the AFAC collaboration network
9.4.2 CFA to use monthly Fire Services Operating Committee Training Sub-Committee as a forum to work with FRV on matters that pertain to the delivery of training using a secondee model, and to discuss any matters that may impact the delivery of training
9.4.3 Continue to work with EMV on emergency learning and development matters regarding incident management training as a member of the EMV Learning and Development Committee
9.4.4 Continue to work with AFAC and the wider fire industry on matters relating to the Public Safety Training Package as a member on the AFAC Learning and Development Group
9.4.5 Develop, in collaboration with DELWP and FFMVic, a Victorian Bushfire Strategy for the joint planning and delivery of vegetation management and planned burning training packages