Part 2 - Home Fire Safety

Fired Up English teacher resources -
Part 2: Home Fire Safety

Click on one of the lessons below to start.

Lesson 3: Home Fire Dangers

Lesson objectives:

  • For students to understand the dangers of house fires.
  • For students to know how they can prevent home fires.


Kitchen Fire Safety (developed for the Fired Up English resource)

Students need to go home and practice their escape plan with their household members.

  • Activity 5.4 Role play in groups - the six key points when evacuating a building (listed above)
  • Activity 5.5 Practice the evacuation drill at your site
  • Lesson 6: Calling Triple Zero 000

    Lesson objectives:

    For students to know how to call Triple Zero (000) in an emergency.


    Key messages:

    • Triple Zero (000) has interpreters available at all times. We encourage people to ask for an interpreter.
    • Calling Triple Zero (000) is free. The fire brigade will not make you pay to attend a fire.
    When to call Triple Zero (000)
    • An emergency is serious and dangerous and requires immediate action. This includes danger to life, health or property.
    • Even when you think you've extinguished a fire in a home, it is best to call Triple Zero (000) to ask the fire brigade to check that the fire is fully extinguished and the home is safe.
    What happens when I call Triple Zero?
    • When you first call Triple Zero, you will be asked by Telstra which service you require: PoliceFire or Ambulance.
    • Triple Zero (000) has interpreters available at all times. We encourage people to ask for an interpreter to speak to you in your language about your Triple Zero (000) call.
    • If you are calling from a mobile phone, you may also be asked which state you are calling from. This is because a mobile phone only shows a billing address, not a GPS location. The operator needs to know which state to transfer the call.
    The Emergency Service call-taker will first ask:

    Where is your emergency?

    Followed by:

    What is your emergency?

    As soon as the call-taker knows WHERE your emergency is and WHAT the emergency is, a computer helps send the closest firefighters, ambulance or police to your emergency.

    The call-taker will continue to ask you questions. This will help determine if additional help is required. 

    The additional information you provide will be passed on to the emergency services.

    STAY ON THE LINE: Don't hang up until the call-taker tells you to.

    Source - Triple Zero Victoria

    Levels 0-1 teaching tools and activities:

    Levels 2-4 teaching tools and activities:

    Lesson 7: Cooking Fires and Fire Blankets

    NOTE - requires a CFA Firefighter or Presenter in attendance

    Lesson objectives:

    • For students to understand what can cause a fire in the kitchen
    • For students to learn how to use a fire blanket and fire extinguishers

    Key messages:

    • Over one third of house fires start in the kitchen.
    • You cannot leave any cooking on the stove or oven unattended.
    • Keep your stove clean and place your tea towels away from the stove.
    • Pots of oil left on the stove to heat up can create a fire.
    • Never throw water on hot boiling oil.
    • If a cooking pot is on fire:
      1. turn off the stove. Do not move the pot.
      2. use a fire blanket or fire extinguisher OR leave the house and call Triple Zero (000).
    • Fire blankets are a large cloth made of special material that will not burn very easily. They come in different sizes.
    • They need to be hung in your kitchen away from the stove.
    • There are different types of fire extinguishers. Some are for oil fires, some are for electrical fires and some are for paper or wood fires.

    Animation and Demonstration by CFA Firefighter or Presenter

    Animation: Kitchen Fires - Fire blanket demonstration

    Levels 0-1 teaching tools and activities:

    Levels 2-4 teaching tools and activities:




    Page last updated:  Tuesday, 19 December 2023 3:19:54 PM